Monday, April 1, 1985

Captain Morgan

I was going through some old photographs and saw this one of me which caused be to say hmmm.

First, nose buried in a book. I was and still am a major book worm. Nothing changed there.

Second, wow, I'm rather skinny back then - or at least compared to now. Odd that I never thought of myself as skinny.

Third, that couch I'm sitting on, oh the memories, it was crate furniture that I purchased for around five bucks from a thrift shop and it smelled like cat pee, though I didn't know that until I lugged it back to the bare bones apartment.

But mostly, I noticed that I'm wearing a Captain Morgan Spiced Rum shirt, and in the foreground of the photo, there is a huge bottle of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum!

I don't recall if this photo was staged, I wouldn't be surprised if it was as I was a budding photographer back then, but it amazes me that I was a "captain" before being a captain was cool. Okay, maybe cool is stretching the point. Still, this is over 25 years ago and I still like that rum.

I'm not sure what that says about me, other than I like that rum, but through it was interesting.