Note that AFAIK the drive and path must be consistent between all index/search nodes (due to rtssearchrc) and data_fixml and data_index still have to be on the same drive (which is a shame).
A. Stop all indexer and search processes on all nodes.
B. On Admin node, edit the webcluster file:
- \esp\etc\config_data\RTSearch\webcluster\rtsearchrc.xml
- fixmlPath="E:\esp\data\data_fixml"
- indexDir="E:\esp\data\data_index"
- \esp\etc\searchrc-1.xml
- indexpath= "E:\esp\data\data_index"
- \esp\etc\rtsplatformrc.xml
- indexDir = "E:\esp\data\data_index"
- fixmlDir = "E:\esp\data\data_fixml"